How To Communicate Better: 5 Quick Tips For Doctors
December 12, 2023

Let’s discuss something important. You know how to diagnose a medical condition, but do you know how to diagnose a conversation? It’s a real thing! Imagine being the doctor that everyone enjoys talking to. You’re the one who truly understands what patients and fellow doctors are saying. Here are five communication skills that can greatly improve your performance in the hospital. Are you ready to be that doctor? Let’s learn how to communicate better.

Tip #1: Listen Like a Pro

Listening is not just sitting and nodding. It’s about understanding what someone is trying to tell you. When a patient talks, it’s not just their words that matter. It’s their worries, body language, and unspoken fears.

Here’s a pro tip: Put your phone away, forget about your next appointment for a moment, and truly listen. You’ll be amazed at what you learn, and your patients will feel heard. It’s a win-win.

But it’s not only about avoiding distractions. It’s also about being engaged – nodding, asking follow-up questions, and maybe repeating a bit of what they said to show you understand. This way, they know you’re there every step of the way. It’s like building a bridge while walking on it – challenging, but incredibly rewarding.

Tip #2: Read the Unsaid

Here’s the thing – what people don’t say often matters as much as what they do. As a doctor, you’ve got to be a bit of a mind reader. No, not literally, but you get the idea.
It’s about catching those subtle hints, the nervous glances, the way someone hesitates before answering. That’s where the real story is. Start paying attention to these silent signals, and you’ll be one step ahead in understanding what’s really going on with your patients and colleagues.

Now, how do you actually do this? It’s like tuning into a different frequency. Watch for those small changes in expression, the pauses, the shifts in tone. And when you spot them, gently probe. Ask something like, “You seem a bit hesitant. Want to talk about it?” This opens doors that might otherwise stay shut. It’s about creating a space where the unsaid feels safe to emerge.

how to communicate better

Tip #3: Slow Down and Reflect

Ever jumped to conclusions and then realized you were way off base? Happens to the best of us. In medicine, a quick judgment can be a risky game.
Here’s a better approach: Take a beat. Let what the other person just said sink in. Mull it over. You might find there’s more to the story than you first thought. Being patient with your responses doesn’t just help you make better calls; it also shows you respect the person you’re talking to.

It’s like brewing a good cup of tea. You’ve got to give it time to steep. Rush it, and it’s just hot water. But give it a minute, and it develops flavor. Same with conversations. The more you let them unfold naturally, the richer they become. You start to notice things you’d have missed in a hurry – nuances that can be crucial in understanding and helping your patients and peers.

Tip #4: Embrace Empathy in Every Interaction

Empathy isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have, especially in the medical world. It’s about truly feeling what your patients or colleagues are going through. Picture this: You’re not just a doctor to your patients; you’re their ally, their confidant.

To bring empathy into play, try to put yourself in their shoes. Imagine their concerns, their fears, and their hopes. When a patient shares something personal, acknowledge their feelings. Say something like, “That sounds really challenging,” or “I can see how important this is to you.” It’s these little acknowledgments that make people feel seen and understood.

And remember, empathy isn’t just for patients. It’s for your colleagues too. The medical field can be tough, and a little understanding goes a long way. So, next time a colleague seems stressed or overwhelmed, a simple “Is everything okay?” can make a big difference.

how to communicate better

Tip #5: Clear and Compassionate Communication

In medicine, clarity is key, but so is compassion. It’s about finding the right balance between being straightforward and being sensitive. When you’re explaining a diagnosis or a treatment plan, it’s vital to be clear so your patients understand their situation. But it’s equally important to deliver the message with kindness and care.

Try this: Break down complex medical jargon into simple terms. Use analogies if that helps. But as you do, keep an eye on how the patient is reacting. Are they scared? Confused? Adjust your tone and approach accordingly. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it.

And when you’re dealing with tough news, remember, compassion is your strongest tool. Sometimes, a hand on the shoulder or a few reassuring words can speak louder than any medical advice.

Start Today

And there you have it – a complete toolkit to revolutionize your communication skills. Remember, being an exceptional physician isn’t just about medical knowledge; it’s also about how you connect, understand, and communicate with those around you. By mastering these five key skills, you’re not just improving your professional interactions; you’re elevating the entire experience for your patients and colleagues.

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Remember, every great physician has a story. Let’s make yours worth telling.

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About Dr. Harry Karydes
Success Mentor For High-Achieving Healthcare Professionals
If you are like most high achievers, you’re already a focused and self-motivated individual. You’re devoted to healing your patients–and doing it quickly. But you’re looking for more. You’re looking for a lifetime of success in your personal and your professional life. I help busy professionals by creating habits that peak performers use every day. My mission is to give you the courage and the tools to learn, grow and thrive in the important areas of your life. To live a life of focus and balance. Yes, you can succeed at work and at home. All it takes is the intent and a mentor to walk with you. If you provide the first, I will provide the second. Let’s get started.

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